Yukang focuses on the production and sales of various plastic bags, zipper bags, bone bags, self-adhesive bags, composite bags, etc.

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    Handbags, also called handbags, handbags, etc., are used to hold items and are relatively inexpensive containers. The production materials include paper, plastic, non-woven fabrics and so on. This type of product is usually used by manufacturers to display products; some are used to display gifts when giving gifts
    Since the birth of plastic packaging bags, they have been loved by people for their lightness, low cost, and high strength. People have become accustomed to packing things in plastic bags. There are many types of plastic packaging bags on the market, but there are countless types in terms of color. So what kind of bag is good?
    Judging from the data in recent years, the number of zipper bags used for clothing is also increasing and improving. Now it is constantly developing in many industries. In more industries, it proves that zipper bags are in daily use. The number of uses is relatively large. As a plastic bag manufacturer, the zipper bags we make ...
    At first, clothing packaging was only to maintain the integrity of clothing quantity and quality. With the development of society, clothing packaging has directly affected the value and sales of products. Therefore, clothing packaging is an indispensable and necessary part of the clothing industry. 1. Specification sheet for ...
    The development of food composite bag packaging equipment tends to be multi-purpose and high-efficiency, and more and more attention is paid to speed and cost. The future development trend is that the equipment is smaller, more flexible and mobile, and tends to be multi-functional and flexible. And this trend is very beneficial...
    Introduction to the characteristics of composite bags: Customized chemical and physical properties of composite bags: It is a semi-crystalline material. It is harder than PE and has a higher melting point. Since the homopolymer type is very brittle when the temperature is higher than 0°C, many commercial PP materials are random
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